Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Dear Santa

Dear Santa,

I know this list looks a little bit like last year's list. That's not to say I didn't get and truly enjoy many of the items on this list in the past year, it's just that I seem to need a new supply of these things on a regular basis. I hope this doesn't exhaust you or the reindeer. And please, as usual, feel free to add to this list as you see fit. I'm certain I have forgotten things I probably really need.

1. Truth. To recognize it. To embrace it.

2. Peace. To let what is true be true.

3. Volvo S60. Champagne with tinted windows and brown leather.

4. Wisdom. I've spent more than enough time being foolish.

5. Courage. To stop letting fear dictate my activity and direction.

6. Love. To express it. To feel it. To recognize its many forms.

7. Canon digital Rebel.

8. Friendship. To know what it truly means.

9. Perseverance. To just keep going.

10. Snowshoes.

I know typically you have that "naughty or nice" clause.......

I'm hoping that is based on a lifetime curve because I think this was a banner year for me. I also know you can't really put all this stuff under my tree. You can leave some of it in the driveway.

Love from your biggest fan,


Blogger Elaine said...

very good stories! even though your sitting spproximately sixteen to twenty inches away from me i still decieded (spelled that wrong) to leave you a comment. so, lving the stories.....maybe i should have posted MY christmas list on my blog.....which remains private btw....so...bye!

~Teenaged Son~

9:57 PM  

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