Sunday, November 15, 2009

Did I Volunteer?

For school, that is.

Of course I did. I want to focus on education to acheive a career goal.

But's hard. I haven't been to school in almost 25 years! That's 175 in dog years. And I'm not even in a math class yet.

I had to write my first academic paper ever. I'm sure I was supposed to write one in high school, but I was too busy hanging out in my high school's SMOKING AREA to be bothered with things like research and APA formatting

I'm a life-long learner, and I love having the intention and focus school provides. I LOVE the validation of being graded. Who would have thought? Not my 10th grade Algebra teacher. He gave me a C- just so I would pass and not return to his class the next year. My teen charm was lost on him. Must have been the time I went to his class sans shoes. Don't ask me why, I can't even imagine it now.

I struggled with this paper for the past few days. Struggled hard. I tried to write all day yesterday. I kept thinking I had writer's block. I sat with my computer on my lap. Then I decided to vacuum. I stared at the screen some more, then I dusted. I read through the syllabus again, then cleaned the kitchen floor.

This morning my paper still wasn't written, but my house was super clean.

I went for a walk, sat with some girlfriends on the sunny Starbuck's patio, watched Grey's Anatomy on the DVR.....and finally wrote my paper.

I did volunteer for this. It's going to change my life. And bring me joy. School was the right choice for me. And my house is clean to boot!


Blogger Michelle @ Give a Girl a Fig said...

I am SO STINKING EXCITED FOR YOU!! Not to mention...very proud. You are an inspiration...I was getting really, really scared a few days ago thinking about returning to school. And had pretty much talked myself out of it. But..yesterday I got a grip...admitted, "yes. I am scared." And then decided it was important to do it...even I am going to do it afraid. We're in this together girl!

10:52 AM  

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