Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Nightstand

I am trying to get back into the swing of blogging. I feel stiff and rusty and without many ideas. So I was reading a friends blog and one of her posts was about her nightstand. She thought you could really get to know her by looking at her nightstand.

So I took a picture of my nightstand to see if I could gain any new perspective on who I am. I seem to be having a hard time getting a fix on my own identity these days.

I'm not sure it helped. So I took a picture of the other nightstand. Still mine, I suppose. I seem to have a monopoly on nightstands in my room.

This one just looks lonely. Sort of like it's waiting for a visitor. Neat and tidy. Yet dry and unattended.

I wonder what this says about me? That part of me is interested and engaged? Part of me is waiting? For what? Maybe it just says that I can only take care of one side of the bed at a time.

I think if someone was going to get an idea about me you should really look at my desk.'s sort of an explosion. This surprised even me.


Anonymous said...

I think the contrast of your 2 night stands makes for interesting speculation. You might consider calling the blank looking one a night stand and the other one a day stand. Even still, it is comforting to me that you have not sunk to one night stands which under dire circumstances have been known to stretch on to multiple night stands with nary a change in outcome. All this can be whirred in the blender of our culture's malaise and served up on a plate of lamentable time. Clearly, you can see why our culture is in its current pickle. We are all vying for time or THINK it is time we want. But it is not really TIME but what happens within it. No one wants a lot of empty time. Ask any alzheimer sufferer. Time is not a boon for lack of meaning. We are, unfortunately for the time hackers (addicts of various and sundry drugs of choice) eternal beings. You are the one that keeps telling me this. But we don't want time for the sake of time. Our culture spends billions on trying to look and stay young. Why? Old folks have a bad rap. If wisdom was valued as much as iron smooth skin, old folks would be treasured. Though old folks aren't all necessarily wise. Some of us get increasingly dense. All this to say, I see you as the kind of gal who is bluffing the world about those night stands of yours. You should be sitting akimbo on the crowded one and lighting a torch to the empty one.

11:33 AM  

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