Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Bored or Boring?

I'm bored.

Or am I boring?

I'm not especially talented. I'm not especially attractive. I'm not especially bright.

It doesn't seem as though there's too much to report from my mediocre brush with life. At least that's what my internal dialog is telling me.

Then I thought maybe I'm just short sighted. Could it be that what seems normal (translation: boring) to me may just be a matter of perspective?

Here's the view from my lunch table today

I bet not every one ate their lunch in a place like this today. Bet most people wouldn't care to either.

See? Did you hear that? Poor perspective. No appreciation. It's not my first choice so therefore I can't appreciate it. It's all shit or sunshine with me. Black or white. No grey. The trouble with a black and white perspective is that it doesn't allow for much color either.

There could be worse places to eat lunch. And I actually found it quite pleasant there. It was a beautiful day. I like the bustle of a business lunch hour and the friendly feel of Sacramento. There was good conversation while I ate my sandwich.

Can you blog about a lunch hour? I wonder what that would look like after a year. Would I want a record of my lunches for a year? Hmmmm....

Maybe I can keep my eyes open a little more. Maybe my life isn't boring. Just because I'm not living my dream life doesn't mean it's not still my life. The one I actually have. The only one I'll get. Maybe I need some new perspective.


Blogger Michelle @ Give a Girl a Fig said...

What a beautiful photo...and a beautiful view. Looks like a nice lunch hour to me...

And all I can say is...what God said to me..."Bloom where you're planted."

I'm very black and white too...but I apply it to God, it's either of's not. Simple really.

And...I think you are interesting. And I would really love it if you updated your blog daily...even if it's just with a photo and one line....or a Haiku. I know...random...but I like Haiku's! I think I'll go write one...

Love you!

9:54 PM  

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