Thursday, August 13, 2009

What Is This?

Some sort of ancient relic, I suppose. A depository for unwanted pizza coupons and carpet cleaning flyers.

These days I don't even get my electric bill in the mailbox. All my bills come online. Occasional birthday cards bearing birthday funds come in the post. Those are mostly for my kids, though. They're too quick now and I can't even get to the money first anymore.

Maybe I've lived in the city too long, but there are no longer mailboxes like this in my neighborhood. I haven't had a mailbox like this in 10 years. Everyone has a lock box located about every 10 houses. Remember the little flag? It let the mailman know he should stop even if he wasn't going to deliver an overdue library book notice to you. Again. It was quaint. Nowadays people steal your outgoing letters if you give them a signal that you've left them unattended on the street. (Did I just say nowadays? Geez I act old these days.)

I'm not really lamenting the lack of metal mailboxes. I just thought this was a cool picture. I still get my Netflix and the PG&E knows exactly where to find me.


Blogger Michelle @ Give a Girl a Fig said...

I still have one of those...and I put the red flag up when I have letters to be picked up. But I also live in an older neighborhood...we haven't made the switch to lock boxes and I hope we never do! (I act old nowadays too!! lol!)

7:42 PM  
Blogger Conny said...

We used to have a mailbox just like it when I was a kid. I'd have to stand on tippy-toes to reach my arm all the way to the back - just in case the anticipated birthday card got shoved back there.

Some of the houses in our neighborhood still have mail slots in the front door. We had to teach my nephew the "no peeking" etiquette when visiting neighbors' houses.

Awwww, days gone by.

12:57 PM  

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